This year's free agency has been nothing but exciting. There have been trades and big signings, and I am here to break down the major deals that have gone down.
Happy New Year, Oswego High School! It’s a new year, new you, and I’m sure everyone has tons of resolutions in mind. Whether you’re hoping to become more confident, improve your attention span, or even read more books this new year, I promise you, there is one big solution to attaining any resolution: deleting TikTok.
The homecoming dance is a high school staple that brings every student together with the power of partying, and the excitement of music! However, these three writer’s differing opinions on the dance are only tearing them apart.
In this video, staff writer Wylie Marquis teaches you a lesson that could keep those bills in your wallet: how to replace your car's air filter.
More aimed towards the children, there were guessing games, bucket tosses, and pictures with Santa and even pictures with Abombadable. Prizes for guessing games were held behind counters, and the participants almost always left with something in their hands. Even a train that would pick up children and their parents traveled around the entire Christmas Walk, dropping off and picking up new people every time it reached the end.