Desperately waiting for hours to push the button to reserve your spot in the waiting line for your favorite artist?
OH Homecoming and Prom are two of the most anticipated events of the year. People spend hours upon hours preparing, making sure everything is perfect, and each day the events grow closer, and people get more and more excited.  Despite this, students often leave underwhelmed after the event they have looked forward to for so long. The cause for the widespread letdown is none other than the music choice.
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

From freshman Nolan Valyou in response to "'Skits and Giggles': More skits than giggles," with a response from Entertainment Editor Charlie Recchia.
Jerma’s been creating content on the internet for well over a decade, starting out by recording himself playing Team Fortress 2 and uploading the footage to YouTube. My brother showed me one of his videos sometime in elementary school, and I remember liking Jerma’s friend and fellow content creator Star_ more than him.  However, as the years went by, I found myself watching more and more of Jerma’s content, and I really began to like him more than any of his contemporaries. And today, a solid decade after I first watched one of his videos, Jerma remains my absolute favorite content creator on the internet.
Image credit: Mary Gibney