Home Authors Posts by Mary Gibney - Social Media Manager

Mary Gibney - Social Media Manager

Hi, I am Mary! This is my 2nd year on 42fifty and 2nd year as Social Media Editor, I am a Senior at OHS, and I am involved with Travel Softball and Softball at the High School. I am also involved with the French Honor Society Quill and Scroll Honor Society.

Panther Fest Activity Photos

Photo Gallery of August 18, 2023, Panther Fest events

OHS’s Turn to have Turnabout

Traditionally, American high schools have two dances a year; homecoming and prom. Students resent the return to school but have homecoming to gawk over. Closer to the end of the year, when kids are restlessly awaiting the start of summer, their silver lining lies within the approach of Prom. Both dances create bubbling excitement most high school students enjoy....

[[SATIRE]] The most experienced and intellectual Fifty42 reporters harass fans!

*Fifty42 is 42Fifty’s April Fool’s edition and consists entirely of satire. This content is published purely for humor and entertainment – it is entirely fictional and is not meant to be viewed as “real news” or taken seriously in any way. Any references to real people are based almost entirely on fiction. 

SAT: Something Actually Toxic

OHS classroom

On April 12, 2023, Oswego High School Juniors will take part in the controversial SAT.

Valentine’s Day: Tips and tricks

Valentine's Christmas Tree

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching! For some people, this day is a fun, stress-free day to show their partner how much they love them. For others, the day can be saddening, stressful, or lonely. This article is a guide for those in need of a bit of help this holiday. Below, date and gift ideas are listed for those in relationships, and fun activities for those who are single.