Home Authors Posts by Inaaya Siddiqui - Staff Reporter

Inaaya Siddiqui - Staff Reporter

This is my first year publishing articles on 42fifty. I am in my senior year at Oswego High School. I am involved in a variety of extracurriculars, including WE Club, the Muslim Student Association, the Oswego High Coalition, and the National English Honors Society.

[[SATIRE]] All OH science teachers are actually aliens

Pictured is the unofficial logo for the alien science department. Credit: Enrique Salas-Aguirre, 42Fifty

Throughout OH history, many incidents have caught the attention of students, but the biggest one has been under the student's noses since its founding. The Science Department teachers are aliens in disguise, led by Earth and Space teacher Mr. Corn. Multiple students have witnessed their true form, but many teachers seem to deny it.

Estudiantes de OH se preparan para celebrar el Ramadán

Se muestran alimentos que los estudiantes pueden ver durante el Ramadán, una celebración sagrada para los estudiantes musulmanes. Un plato de iftar con fecha, samosas, uvas, melón y chutney verde. Fotografía: Inaaya Siddiqui, 42Fifty

Descargo de responsabilidad: Inaaya es miembra de MSA y asistirá al evento Fast-a-Thon el 21 de marzo mencionado en este artículo. La Asociación de Estudiantes Musulmanes de OH( MSA) está celebrando un evento de Fast-a-Thon el 21 de marzo para que los estudiantes intenten ayunar por un día si quieren, pero no es necesario. Los estudiantes participantes luego vienen a la cafetería de la escuela de 5:30 a 8:00 pm y disfrutan de la cena y el postre por solo $ 5. ¡Todo el mundo está invitado, profesores, estudiantes, familiares y amigos, musulmanes o no!

Podcast: Women who advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion

42Fifty podcasters discuss Women's History Month and the many positive impacts women have made through history. Credit: Brianna Huerta, 42Fifty

In celebration of Women's History Month, podcasters Aiyana Rivera, Inaaya Siddiqui, and Brianna Huerta discuss the women of today and their impact in society.

OH students prepare to celebrate Ramadan

Se muestran alimentos que los estudiantes pueden ver durante el Ramadán, una celebración sagrada para los estudiantes musulmanes. Un plato de iftar con fecha, samosas, uvas, melón y chutney verde. Fotografía: Inaaya Siddiqui, 42Fifty

To Muslims everywhere, Ramadan is a time of utmost importance, falling on the 9th month of the Islamic calendar every year. Those who practice their faith will engage in a month of fasting, from pre-dawn to sunset. 

NCT’s TAEYONG taps into his inner self in latest mini album ‘TAP’

NCT's Taeyon mini-album "TAP" surrounded by other NCT albums Credit: Carolina Alcantara, 42Fifty

Neo-Cultural Technology (NCT) IT boy and leader, TAEYONG, returns with a solo comeback in the mini album, TAP, a follow-up to his first solo debut mini album, “SHALALA.” The six-song mini album was released on Feb.26 and explores the motif and story line ¨Searching for TY,¨ a manifestation of him tapping into a more carnal side of himself, evoking his vulnerabilities through multiple genres.